“If the world is going to be saved, teach the children!”
“I met Hayley on 22nd May last year, I was spell bound for some 2 hours! And that, coming from a reasonably hardened business adviser and professional accountant of 45 years, says something!
Hayley talked about her experiences with `lost` children, teenagers and young twenties. She talked about the range of problems all of them had from abuse, drugs and alcohol.
Hayley talked with a passion and vehemence about how they are being failed by the `system’ and how she was trying to help and care.
Most importantly she talked about the `light bulb ‘moment when she realised that if she was going to make any sort of difference the focus of Society and of course her efforts, must be on teaching and helping these children before they learn the wrong things, get bad habits or struggle to understand the difference between right and wrong.
If the world is going to be saved…teach the children! It is so obvious, isn’t it?
We hear so much about what needs to happen from our various leaders in society but nothing seems to happen. Very few people actually put their ‘shoulder to the wheel`. Well I know one such a person who does…Hayley Sherwood!
There are too many children who continue to fall between the cracks in our society, and as Hayley says, even one is too many.
I have seen how Hayley and her small team are desperately trying to fill in those cracks.
In a way, 1decision is already a success in that many children have already benefitted and of course, that is for life! The frustration is the length of time it takes to get people moving whether they are Politicians, Head Teachers or other decision makers.
1decision works brilliantly. As a society, we just need to get going!”