
Schools Safeguarding and Importance of Prevention

Safeguarding and Schools – The Importance of Prevention

Millions of pounds are spent each year training adults to recognise safeguarding concerns amongst children. Schools and providers working with children invest heavily in resources, training, and time to ensure that all staff are aware of the danger signs and know what to do in the event of a concern being raised.


But what about the children?

How much of this time, investment, and training is delivered to them? Do they know how to raise concerns? How do we help them develop these skills? So many childhood experiences and countless life stories that are shared later in life prove that all those millions of pounds being invested in adult training is not enough. Social issues such as; violence, drugs, crime, obesity, and mental health continue to dominate the world around us and permeate children's lives.


Early intervention is vital in order to make a more significant impact on reducing safeguarding issues and in reaching affected children sooner. We must realise that prevention is the key and that effective PSHE teaching is our investment in children.


PSHE supports children in gaining understanding and knowledge about how to keep themselves safe. If delivered well, it gives children the confidence to speak out with the information they need to make safe and positive choices throughout their lives. Surely, effective PSHE is just one part of your investment in effective safeguarding procedures?


To see how the 1decision curriculum could fit into your school, why not check out our catalogue here


We create interactive PSHE and RSHE resources for primary children. As part of the media generation, we know how important it is to engage and teach from a young age. Each module is carefully created by PSHE and Safeguarding experts together with schools and, most importantly, children. We are proud to offer resources to over 2,000 schools in 47 UK counties and across the world.


  • 1decision Ltd Suite 1, Niall House 24-26 Boulton Road Stevenage, Herts, SG1 4QX
  • 01438 750330
  • Company ID:07875122


We like to practise what we preach and, as such, are always looking for new ways to gain feedback, become aware and grow. If you have any thoughts or insights into our resources and company, please feel free to get in touch. Awareness leads to change, after all.


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